Inicio / Cohesion among Destinations
Cohesion among Destinations
Cycling tourism as a product that supports the territory of the province of Castellón
The Provincial Tourism Board, as a tourism promotion agency, is responsible for promoting the tourism strategy of the province and has developed a plan for the implementation of a sustainable and intelligent cycle tourism strategy for the province of Castellón. This plan has been presented as an Action of Cohesion between Destinations (ACD) for inclusion in the Territorial Plan of Tourism Sustainability in Destination (PTSTD) in the call 2022 under the name “ACD Sustainable management of tourist flows: cycle tourism as a product backbone of the territory in the province of Castellón”.
This activity is financed by funds from the Secretary of State for Tourism, transferred by the Generalitat Valenciana and granted by Resolution of December 19, 2022. This Resolution establishes the distribution criteria and the distribution of the credit destined to the financing of investment actions by local entities, within the framework of Component 14 Investment 1 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and which grants the Provincial Tourism Board Costa Azahar of Castellón for the execution of an Action of Cohesion between Destinations called “Sustainable management of tourist flows: Cicloturismo como producto vertebrador del territorio en la provincia de Castellón”, within the framework of Component 14 Investment 1 “Transformation of the Tourist Model towards Sustainability” of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, an amount of 3.995.196,86 €. Published in BOE No. 310 of December 27, 2022.
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